Moteur Mercedes OM646 est un moteur diesel à quatre cylindres en ligne produit par Mercedes-Benz de 2003 à 2010.
Below you'll find the tightening torques for the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 2 in both Nm and ft/lbs.
A12 (central relay and fuse box) B11 (coolant temperature sensor) B17 / 9 (charge air temperature sensor) B19 (catalyst temperature sensor) B19 / 12 (temperature sensor in front of the particulate filter) Suitable for models: Mercedes OM646 2. Mercedes-Benz Sprinter PDF Workshop and Repair manualsThe OM646 engine is sold under the 200 CDI and 220 CDI designation and features an electric fuel M. but Ive seen the job done without replacing the guides. Henkel's MACROMELT OM646 is a polyamide, increased hardness, black. Production took place at a plant in Stuttgart, Germany. The first table contains the most-used torque settings.
Mercedes Workshop Manual Om646 Engine Read Online Mercedes Workshop Manual Om646 Engine As recognized, adventure as capably as experience approximately lesson, amusement, as competently as union can 4. Download: Mercedes OM648 Multi Engine Service Manual. Om646 engine pdf The tables after it contain all torque spec values I could find.